
So, this is about me, I guess. I mean, why else would I write a blog? Because I am a little bit narcissistic and self absorbed… and I think what I say matters… and my delusions of grandeur lead me to believe that others will also want to hear what I have to say and think it is important.
Seriously… I was SO excited about starting a blog… and I went all gung-ho and overboard researching which blog was best and setting up my account…. phew…. now that I’m all set and ready to go, I have nothing, NOTHING, to write about!

About Jackie

I'm a bored military wife. Tired of being so nice all the time. This is my outlet... this is where I bitch and complain..... I apologize in advance for all the horrible, stereotypical, racist, sexist, unpatriotic, politically incorrect things I am about to say....
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